Saturday, April 10, 2010

An Update: Quiet on the Farm...

You might think with the last weekend being so beautiful followed by April showers things would be heating up at the farm. We had really good intentions. We had city folk come up to work, a shed to convert into a barn and a new crop of seedlings to tend to. But it was just so darn beautiful out.

We put work aside for a little bit of fun.

With the help of Uncle D. we did however come to the conclusion that if we actually went to work on the shed conversion, we'd be wrestling with that project for a bulk of the summer. That translates into having chickens in the basement until fall. We looked at coops and they are wicked expensive. Luckily we found someone on Craigslist who builds them locally and ordered this:

It's less expensive than what we have seen and they will custom build to the size we need.


  1. It looks very cute. What is the chimney for? Do they have a little fireplace inside?

  2. That's really nice! Beautiful home for the chickies!

  3. "It looks very cute. What is the chimney for? Do they have a little fireplace inside?"


    Yeah, that is a really neat idea. I have no experience with chicken coops, but the easy access doors for cleaning look like the ticket. If I knew that dispensing with the current shed was an option, we could have built something like this in an afternoon...
